Bitcoin Price Index & Alt-coins


We know about Altcoins or virtual currency. This currency are future currency of this virtual era. Eventually this currency are alternative of traditional currency and none other these currencies are mostly recognized as Crypto-currencies. More concise about Altcoins is Bitcoin or Ethereum or Litecoin also Bitcoin cash, Ripple, Stellar, NEO, EOS, Cardano, Bitcoin black/gold,dash coin, doge coin etc. In my previous blog post where I pledge the nutshell about numerous Altcoins or Crypto Currencies where more precisely & specially bestowing about Bitcoin that mass from various part of the universe can know about and make their steps more tyrannical. Whatever today my topic is also crucial in sense because I am going to say about price of Bitcoin, indexing & liquidation which may assist for the future or present investment prediction/research or selling/buying BTC from market aside to know about the liquidation state of Crypto-Currency.

This image is an example of market or price index.

Bitcoin Price Index

In the end of year 2017, December 17th the price of Bitcoin rose upto $ 19,206, which was highest mark and reaches the peak of Bitcoin price ever. That tenure many expert says, the price got the landmark and it will rise more & reach to $ 30,000. After that the flow just remain for a while, and the beginning of 2018 in 1st 30 days the price just above $ 10,000 and then till now its sometime ups lilbit and sometime down. Though market analyst says its normal for a Crypto-currency indexing of price fluctuations. Its quite normal and may occur cause it never seen the price ever staying high & market being bullish.

Last one hour price index_courtesy: Coinbase
This month march, 2018 till today before publishing my post on that topic price was below $ 10,000 and its little-bit unstable. This bearish tenure may consternation among the investors for certain period which consequences long-term liquidation. Some analyst believe the balloon of Bitcoin has blown, in counter some believe recent down turn of BTC price is nothing just rectification that may steer the intensity of price at high  following of this year. Founder & chairman of investment firm LDJ Capital, ' David Drake' trusts Bitcoin will rally to $ 30,000 by the end of this year and whipping 262 percent return from current states_courtesy/info -cointelegraph. Jack Dorsey, the CEO of twitter and Square, believes that Bitcoin can take the place of Fiat Currencies within a decade_courtesy/info -cointelegraph.

Contemporary price of BTC & ETH.

Eventually, Bitcoin has huge prospect and potentiality in this moment it shows the downtrend
27th March,2018 BTC price index_Coindesk
& thrashing the negative image in crypto market.
Last few days BTC/USD pair has representing the shape/trend of downwards which that bears are retaining impulse & these happening only for fear selling of Crypto-currencies aside if BTC breaks out & traders observe to take lengthy steps, perhaps results would be average move of price may reduce the fluctuations. My and expert recommendations for investors in this tenure do not invest or sell BTC rather if possible then buy after confirmation of sustainability above 50 day SMA or wait for the time the fluctuation till end.

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